Author: Aaron Jainchill

car accident

The first thing you think about after you’ve been in a car accident probably isn’t “Should I get a lawyer?” In truth, though, it should be. Sometimes, it’s a no-brainer. Here are some times when you definitely want to talk to an experienced automobile accident attorney: When you’ve been injured and needed medical treatment When […]

distracted driving

Smartphone ownership in the U.S. stood at 55 percent in 2013, but now more than three in four Americans carry the ubiquitous devices. Road safety experts say that the corresponding surge in distracted driving in Connecticut and around the country is one of the chief reasons that the number of car accidents rose by 12.3 […]

self driving car accident

Drivers in Connecticut and across the United States who use autonomous vehicles may be interested to know of the limitations the cars pose. These limitations were brought to the public’s attention in 2018 when a Tesla Model S vehicle set on Autopilot crashed into a firetruck that was pulled over to the side of the […]

drowsy driving

With the end of daylight saving time, Connecticut residents get to enjoy an extra hour of sleep, but there is a downside. The body will not be able to adjust at first to the change in sleep patterns, which means that feelings of drowsiness will appear for at least a couple days after the change. […]

eating while driving

According to data published by the National Safety Council, at least 100 people are injured and nine people killed every day in distracted driving car accidents. Drivers in Connecticut should be aware of the dangers that distracted drivers pose, and they may also benefit from learning about certain artificial intelligence measures that can help to […]

drowsy driver accident

Drowsy driving causes more than 300,000 motor vehicle accidents in Connecticut and around the country each year, according to the American Automobile Association. The results of a recent American Academy of Sleep Medicine study suggest that the problem is extremely widespread. A worrying 45% of the 2,000 motorists surveyed said that they had struggled to […]

holidiay traffic

Connecticut drivers faced one of the most dangerous holidays of the year on Independence Day. Insurance statistics have shown that there is as much as a 7 percent increase in auto accident claims over the holiday weekend for the Fourth of July. There is a higher rate of auto insurance claims over this summer holiday […]

upset worker

Workers in Connecticut can suffer from poorer health or raise their risk for an on-the-job injury because of things like low pay and high turnover. Many studies have looked at the effects of these and other factors, but the problem is that none of them have analyzed all the factors together. Now, a study from […]

85 speed limit

While many Connecticut drivers like to get to their destinations quickly, a study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety showed that the speed limit increases that have occurred throughout the country since 1987 have resulted in an estimated 33,000 additional deaths. According to the vice president for research and statistical services for the IIHS, […]