The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently released the 2017 statistics acquired from its Fatality Analysis Reporting System. It seems that the overall number of fatalities occurring because of motor vehicle accidents across the nation were down by almost 2 percent in 2017 compared to the previous year. However, Connecticut residents should be aware that not all of the news is positive.
While motor vehicle accidents resulted in fewer deaths overall, the bigger picture shows an increase in fatalities involving large trucks over 10,000 pounds. There are several factors that may contribute to this development, including a stronger economy. Since more commercial trucking across the country contributes to additional travel miles logged on the roadways, there’s a potential for more wrecks. It is not just commercial truck accidents that have increased. Some of the trucks involved include privately owned trucks such as dual-wheel pickups.
Over the last decade, the NHTSA has also seen a whopping 17.4 percent increase in urban fatalities resulting from motor vehicle accidents. Car accident victims include not only drivers or passengers but also pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicyclists. Interestingly, rural area crash fatalities are down 18 percent over the same 10-year period.
A car accident can ultimately change a victim’s life in an instant. However, a personal injury attorney might be able to offer advice to someone who has been hurt by a negligent driver. Common types of negligence include distracted driving, speeding and driving while under the influence of alcohol. Legal counsel could help a crash victim fight for a settlement that covers medical bills, lost pay and pain and suffering.