
Getting a drivers license is an important milestone in a Connecticut teenager’s life. However, teen drivers are likely to be distracted behind the wheel according to a survey conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan. It polled 900 parents who had sons or daughters between the ages of 14 and 18. Roughly 60% of […]

There are many different reasons drivers may be involved in motor vehicle accidents on Connecticut roads. The claims adjuster for the insurance company and law enforcement who are tasked with determining the causes of road accidents have to consider many contributing factors. Human error is a significant source of car accidents. This can be frustrating […]

Thousands of teenagers die around the country each year in motor vehicle accidents, and police investigations often reveal that they were ignoring posted speed limits or staring at cellphone screens when they died. Public information campaigns have done little to deter young drivers from behaving recklessly behind the wheel, but a Baylor University study suggests […]

Replacing busy intersections with roundabouts could potentially save lives in Connecticut and around the country according to the findings contained in a report. The Minnesota Department of Transportation studied traffic accidents that took place at 144 intersections both before and after traffic lights were replaced by roundabouts, and they found that fatalities plunged by 86 […]

Motor vehicle crashes pose a significant danger to people in Connecticut and across the country, and fatalities are on the rise. Approximately 40,000 people were killed in car accidents in 2016. This number represents a 6 percent increase over 2015 figures and a 14 percent increase over the 2014 figures. This means that the roadways […]

For people in Connecticut and across the United States, autonomous vehicles can seem like an exciting technology for all the possibilities they offer. Not only could they potentially cut down on the daily annoyances of commutes and traffic jams, but self-driving cars could be a major boon for roadway safety. A great deal of writing […]

Though younger drivers in Connecticut get a bad reputation for becoming distracted by technology while driving, a new study shows that this belief may be unfounded. The report found that older drivers are more likely to be distracted by technology. Researchers from the University of Utah and the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety looked at […]

Almost half of drivers in Connecticut and around the U.S. say that distracted driving is their top worry when behind the wheel, according to a study. It was conducted by Wakefield Research and Root Insurance, which offers rate discounts to drivers who don’t use their cellphones while operating their vehicles. The study found that 47 […]

Driving while distracted is a major cause of accidents in Connecticut and throughout the country. Young teenage drivers may have an especially difficult time staying focused due to the prevalence of technology in their lives. A new study by researchers at Michigan State University (MSU) gives a deeper look into teenage driving habits. Researchers at […]

Residents of Connecticut may be wondering if there is a time of the year when teen drivers are at a particularly high risk for a car crash. That time happens to be the summer since teens, being on summer vacation, are out on the road more, and more drivers are liable to become impaired after […]