Premises Liability Attorney in Glastonbury

Man slip and fall from wet floor near caution sign.

An accident on someone else’s property in Glastonbury – such as a slip-and-fall, swimming pool accident, or dog attack – can cause severe injuries. Premises liability injuries may require costly and extensive medical treatment and a lengthy recovery period. Serious injuries can keep a person away from work, limit their ability to perform everyday tasks, and put financial strain on them at a time when they really can’t afford it.

If you got hurt because someone else didn’t address a hazardous condition on their property, you may have the right to file a claim seeking compensation for your losses. Contact an experienced Glastonbury premises liability lawyer at Jainchill & Beckert, LLC, today for a free consultation to discuss how we can help you pursue the financial resources you need.

What Is Premises Liability?

Property owners and occupants are responsible for maintaining a safe environment for visitors. When they fail to do so, premises liability is a legal concept that holds them liable for accidents that happen and any injuries that result. If you suffered an injury due to unsafe conditions on someone else’s property in Glastonbury, you may have grounds to file a premises liability claim.

Premises liability laws apply to both private residences and commercial properties, such as stores, restaurants, and office buildings. Property owners and other responsible parties must take reasonable care to identify and address potential hazards that could harm their visitors, whether those visitors are customers or clients who are on the property for business purposes, social visitors, or, in some rare cases, trespassers. Our Glastonbury premises liability attorney can help.

What Are the Key Elements in a Glastonbury Premises Liability Case?

To establish a premises liability claim, your attorney must prove certain key elements to hold a property owner accountable for the injuries you sustained due to their negligence:

  • Duty of care – First, your lawyer must establish that the property owner owed you a duty of care.
  • Breach of duty – Next, they must prove the owner breached their duty by failing to maintain safe property conditions, whether by not repairing a known hazard or not providing adequate warnings about the hazardous condition.
  • Causation – Additionally, they must prove a clear link between the property owner’s negligence and your injuries.
  • Damages – Finally, your lawyer must show that you suffered actual losses, such as medical expenses and lost income, as a result of the injury, and therefore, the property owner owes you damages.

The responsible party’s duty depends on whether the injured person was:

  • An invitee – Someone on the property for business
  • A licensee – Someone allowed on the property for non-business reasons
  • A trespasser – Someone without permission to be on the property

Invitees are owed the highest duty of care. Property owners must repair hazards to protect invitees and post warnings until repairs can be made. For licensees, property owners must warn about hidden dangers. Property owners must take measures to secure hazards that could be attractive to child trespassers. Adult trespassers are owed the most minimal duty of care.

What Are Some Examples of Premises Liability Accidents in Glastonbury, CT?

Premises liability covers a variety of accidents that can occur due to unsafe conditions on a property. Some common examples that illustrate the broad scope of premises liability include:

  • Slip-and-fall accidents These occur when someone slips, trips, or falls due to wet floors, uneven surfaces, or obstacles in walkways, for example.
  • Swimming pool accidents – Drownings or near-drownings, slips around the pool area, and diving injuries fall under this category.
  • Dog bites and attacks – Property owners can be held liable if their dog bites or attacks a visitor, especially if the dog has a history of aggressive behavior.
  • Inadequate security – If a property lacks adequate security measures and a visitor is assaulted or robbed, the property owner may be liable.
  • Structural collapses – These include incidents where buildings, balconies, or other structures collapse due to poor maintenance or construction.

Who Can Be Held Liable in a Glastonbury Premises Liability Case?

In a premises liability case, a number of parties may bear liability depending on the circumstances of the accident, including:

  • Property owners – The property owner is typically the primary party responsible for maintaining safe conditions on their property.
  • Tenants or lessees – In some cases, tenants or lessees who occupy the property can be held liable if they are responsible for the maintenance and safety of the premises.
  • Property managers – Companies or individuals hired to manage and maintain the property could also bear liability if they fail to address hazardous conditions.
  • Businesses operating on the property – If a business operates on the property and fails to maintain safe conditions for its customers, it can be held liable if an accident results in an injury.

How Do You Prove Fault in a Premises Liability Claim?

Proving fault in premises liability cases involves establishing that the property owner or another responsible party failed to maintain a safe environment. Evidence and documentation play a vital role in showing liability. Contact our Glastonbury premises liability lawyer today.

To prove the fault of any liable parties, your premises liability attorney will:

  • Collect evidence of the hazardous condition, such as photographs, videos, and maintenance records
  • Keep detailed records of the injury, including medical reports, bills, and treatment plans
  • Gather statements from anyone who witnessed the accident or the hazardous condition
  • Show that the property owner knew or should have known about the hazard but failed to address it
  • Demonstrate that the property owner didn’t take reasonable steps to fix the hazard or provide adequate warnings

What Types of Compensation Can I Receive for a Premises Liability Lawsuit?

You may be entitled to compensation to cover the various financial and personal losses incurred due to the accident, including:

  • Compensation for medical bills, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and ongoing treatment
  • Reimbursement for lost wages because you couldn’t work during your recovery
  • Compensation for your pain and suffering caused by the injury
  • Coverage for any physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other rehabilitation services
  • Compensation for the impact on relationships with family members due to the injury

What Is the Connecticut Statute of Limitations for a Premises Liability Lawsuit?

Connecticut law establishes a two-year statute of limitations on personal injury cases, including those arising from premises liability incidents in Glastonbury. In other words, if you suffered an injury on someone else’s property because they neglected to address or warn you of a hazardous condition, you typically have just two years to file a lawsuit or risk losing your right to seek compensation.

While some circumstances may affect this deadline, the safest approach is to consult an experienced Glastonbury premises liability lawyer at our law firm as soon as possible after an accident. That way, we can get to work on investigating the accident and preparing your claim before the deadline passes.

Contact a Glastonbury Premises Liability Lawyer

After an accident caused by a property owner’s negligence, you deserve the freedom to focus on healing. Let a Glastonbury personal injury lawyer from Jainchill & Beckert, LLC, provide the robust legal representation you need to move forward.

Contact us today to discuss how we can manage your premises liability claim and fight for the compensation and justice you deserve. The consultation is free and comes without further obligations.